
Translation missing: zh-CN.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
含税。 运费在结帐时计算。

硬件: 没有任何

脚轮: 5英寸黑色脚轮

Lee Display 的红木盆栽台滚车带铸铁脚轮

由 Lee Display 制造,美国制造!由重新利用的红木和钢锌桌面制成。顶部自然耐用且防锈。桌子配有铸铁脚轮,方便移动。



  • Lee Display 的定制手工木制户外露台家具:
    • 带 4 个黑色铸铁脚轮和制动器的木制滚轮车。由重新利用的红木制成,经过规划和清洁,适合户外露台后院和花园使用。随着时间的推移,桌子会自然风化,在您的露台后院和花园上看起来很漂亮!美国手工打造,经久耐用。

  • 非常适合户外的配件!
    • 下部设有搁架,用于放置花园用品或玻璃器皿。轻松园艺,为您的前院、树篱、草坪和后院露台花园种植您最喜爱的花卉。只有在美国定制手工家具产品才能获得多功能性和风格!为您的庭院家具添加一个质朴的盆栽长凳。

  • 锌桌面:
    • 坚硬耐用的表面适合室内和室外。随着时间的推移,天气条件可能会导致一些磨损。但天然红木可以保存多年。

  • 铸铁脚轮:
    • 轻松将其移动到家中的任何房间或室外的露台。每辆推车配有 2 个带制动器的旋转脚轮和 2 个标准脚轮。添加毛巾杆,方便移动!


  • 总高度 - 34 英寸
  • 总宽度 - 48 英寸
  • 深度 - 28 英寸
  • 2 - 带刹车的旋转铸铁脚轮
  • 2 - 刚性铸铁脚轮
  • 重量约。超过 55 磅。


  • 我们将您的桌子完全装在托盘上并由货运公司运送
  • 组装桌子不需要任何工具。发货时完好无损
  • 我们在每批货物中均附有售后服务说明
  • 我们在淡季期间在 Lee Display 提供当日发货服务。假期期间,制造和生产时间可能需要 5-14 个工作日。有关订单预计交货日期的更多详细信息,请致电或发送电子邮件给我们。
  • 预计交货时间 - 根据地点,运输和交货通常需要 5-8 个工作日,从货运公司从 Lee Display 的装运码头提取货物之日起计算
  • 货运所需的电话号码和联系信息:货件到达当地目的地码头后,货运​​公司将致电或发送电子邮件给收件人,与您安排送货事宜。出于安全考虑,货运公司不会将您的灌封台放在您家门口无人看管的地方,而没有专人在场接收。如果您在收到餐桌时有任何问题或疑虑,请告诉我们,我们将很乐意为您提供帮助

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Second order - loved first table so much!

Absolutely the best! Have now ordered two potting tables with hutch and one without - could not be more pleased. Great company and amazing customer service!

Audrey S.
An awesome addition to our backyard

Thank you for creating this handmade redwood table. It is the perfect addition to our backyard bbq area. I appreciate the craftsmanship and care taken in the delivery. Thank you, Audrey

Claudia Williams

I do like this cart, it rolls easily and is very strong and the top is attractive. The cart itself is not fresh and red looking like in the picture, but is a very patchy, dark greyish color, black in places. I was disappointed in that but I still think the cart will do what I need it to.

Dawn Young
Great Bench/Island

I was looking for a nice looking multipurpose wood potting bench/island that I could use in my new glass greenhouse. They made this to my specifications and I included the hooks as well as the handy towel bar. Once it arrived I was more than pleased at the look and the quality. It looks really great in the greenhouse. Sort of a rustic look which was exactly what I was looking for. Shipping took a while to get here but I have to say the guy who delivered it was so awesome he backed his truck our quarter mile long driveway as we really don’t have any place to turn around easily once you get up to the house. Overall I give everything five stars. Thanks so much for working on this for me! I love it!!

Jennifer Lobb
Love it

The sound in the video is cut off so note this piece has been in severe weather and has had some chemical exposure (cleaning solvents and pesticide).

Very sturdy. Good option for outdoor potting/work to save your back. Also looks nice. The hooks and towel rack are really convenient. Wheels (I got the 6in vintage ones) don’t leave any marks on the travertine patio. Easy to move.

Minor notables: some sap seeped out of one piece of the wood (no big deal for us, especially considering it’s 100+ degrees here and it’s on a hot stone patio in the blazing sun) and you may want to treat the bare steel on the casters (maybe get the painted ones if yours is outside, I didn’t think of that…). Mine started showing rust within a few weeks but a little clear coat will fix that. I had ordered - and returned - another potting table from pottery barn that was less mobile (4 fixed wheels! Wth) and it was 3x the price so I’m thrilled with this one. Ours has a bit of a black/ash tint in the finish, which looks great with our dark bronze patio set.