Hand-Made Wooden American Flags!


Decorate for the 4th of July with American pride. Cover your walls with a flag that shows off your rustic home decor honoring your fellow officers

  • Cut from repurposed redwood sourced locally in the Bay Area.
  • Exact scale of a real American Flag 27IN X 48IN.
  • Black & White Stripes sealed together with brown burlap.
  • Single Blue stripe honoring your local law enforcement.


    Turning your flag into a foldable and easily maneuverable poster you can display and store away for another holiday.


    • Top stripe fitted with 2 metal hooks and an extra support piece.
    • 13 Stripes and 13 pieces of redwood fencing. 
    • Independence Day Wall Decor
    Choose the style that shows your American spirit. 

    Made to Order!