Incandescent Light Bulb Ban in California Title 20 CEC Restrictions Lee Display

California's Incandescent Light Ban

Incandescent Light Bulb Ban in California Title 20 CEC Restrictions Lee Display

For customers in California, incandescent light bulbs with less than 45 lumens per watt are banned for sale.


Starting January 1st, 2020, the California Energy Commission passed restrictions on the sale of large energy consuming incandescent and halogen bulbs.  Banning the sale of bulbs and other GSLs (General Service Lamps) with high wattage and low energy efficiency.


So how does this new restriction effect the lighting products on sale at Lee Display?


According to Title 20 and the Regulatory Language of the restrictions, the CEC makes a clear distinction between the definition of GSLs and Candelabra Base Incandescent Light Bulbs, which make up a large majority of the products we sell at Lee Display.  


By definition from the CEC, GSLs are "a standard incandescent or halogen type lamp that is intended for general service applications; has a medium screw base," and "has a lumen range of not less than 310 lumens and not more than 2,600 lumens." However, the definition does include many specialty light bulbs such as Back Light Lamps, Colored Lamps, G-shaped Lamps, Plant Lamps, Infrared Lamps, Marine Lamps, and many more.


With GSL bulbs having a restriction of a minimum of 45 lumens per watt and maximum rated wattage of 72 Watts, Candelabra and Intermediate bulbs have only been given a maximum rated wattage restriction of 60 Watts for Candelabra Bulbs and 40 Watts Max for Intermediate Bulbs.


Meaning that the entire collection of Incandescent Light Bulbs sold at Lee Display, can be sold online and available for purchase legally within all 50 states.

To shop for your favorite colored candelabra light bulbs, click here!


Why did the CEC Pass New Restrictions on Light Bulbs?


The CEC is following guidelines laid out from Federal regulations beginning in 2007 with the EISA (Energy Independence and Security Act) signed into law by then President George Bush.  With energy restrictions being implemented over the course of several years, in 2019 the restrictions were rolled back causing large environmental groups to sue federal and state courts.


By January 2020, all lawsuits had been dropped and the CEC was free impose restrictions on the sale of GSL Bulbs.


Along with the effects of Global Warming on our climate and the added benefits of using energy-efficient and long-lasting light bulbs for the future, the costs of imposing new restrictions on small businesses outweighed the benefits to our future habitable world.


Lee Display is on-board with new energy restrictions and encouraging customers to buy LED


Lee Display believes in the future of our world and continues to promote Green Initiatives with manufacturing and productions practices.  We also have a large supply of energy-efficient LED Lights available for purchase in our store.


Shop for all your LED Lights from Lee Display Here


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